Overview of the book based on Mumbai Rains titled The Waiting Lounge by author Chet Kamal Parkash

New Delhi [India] August 29: It is an amazing story by an Indian author Chet Kamal Parkash for his debut book in Contemporary Romance genre. The story has been setup based on Mumbai rains following which the protagonist loses the love of his life. He is grief-stricken and wants people to help him in his difficult times.
The protagonist achieved great success in his life. His vision, focus and determination in life got him recognition but he loses everything to the grief that struck him deeply.
In our lives too one such incident can change the entire life and it takes time to heal and recuperate from pain. He distances himself from everything for sake of peace of mind and wants everything to settle down to lead a normal life.
The female protagonist knew that if the incident they feared the most came true, it would be the only time that could heal the wound. When she comes to know the facts, she helps the main protagonist to understand the reality of life, helps him recuperate, takes control of the situation in the nick of time and stops further damages that could hamper him even financially.
With time, things start to recover slowly, and the main protagonist starts to accept reality. The female protagonist has played a crucial role in his life, standing by him not just in the moments of grief but also holding a special place in his life forever.
It is a story about losing the love of life, pain, recuperation, and finding love once again.
Author Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chetkamalparkash